GISHRU is a life changing journey to Assyria, dedicated to connecting Assyrians living in the ancestral Homeland with Assyrians throughout the Diaspora, preserving the vast Assyrian history, culture, and archaeological wonders, and ultimately, strengthening the Assyrian identity
Sure, we all like to travel and go to exotic vacation spots around the world, but where is the purpose in that?
With GISHRU, you get an adventure in your 7,000 year old homeland, participate and lead workshops and engage with local organizations making a difference in Assyria! No other place can simply compare.

With newly forged connections and the wealth of knowledge and experiences from your vast excursions deep in the homeland, you have the understanding and resources necessary to become effective advocates.
Not a theory, but a practice. The majority of GISHRU participants, year after year, get involved in local and national efforts to address the Assyrian plight upon returning home.
GISHRU is all about life-changing experiences - born in the homeland. Yes, the sights of ancient ruins and monasteries, the picturesque landscapes of the plains and mountains of Assyria are indeed unforgettable.
But its the connections with your people, from school children to our elders, and of course your fellow participants that truly transforms the trip, and you. Its more than just friendship, we become family.

GISHRU is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that organizes and conducts humanitarian and educational trips for Assyrians born in the Diaspora to the ancestral Assyrian homeland
EIN: 46-2951652